With less than one day's notice, we appeared in court this morning to oppose the City of Oxnard's attempt to deny you the right to vote on their 87% rate increase for wastewater ... after close to 4,000 of us signed petitions in only 16 days to put this on the ballot this November.
Kudos to our legal team for preparing their rapid response to City Hall's outrageous ploy. Even knowing that case law is on our side, it's not easy to react so quickly against a bully's sucker punch.
After hearing our arguments, the judge graciously agreed to review our pleadings and continue the hearing to Tuesday morning, which gives us more time to prepare.
It will be a week before we know the outcome. We will let you know as soon as we do.
If you oppose the city's outrageous behavior, sign up as a volunteer at
Working together, we will reform City Hall.
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